Heat stroke in cats - Symptoms and first aid

Heat stroke or hyperthermia is an excessive rise in the cat's body temperature that can cause damage to its body. In the most serious cases, these can be irreversible and even fatal.

Given its danger, it is essential to know the symptoms of heat stroke in cats, as well as the first aid that we must apply, in addition to the basic prevention methods.

In this Blog article we will explain how to correctly identify heat stroke in cats and we will give you the best advice so that you can act quickly if you need to. Keep reading:

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Causes of heat stroke in cats

The usual temperature of felines ranges between 38 and 39.5 ºC. If this range is exceeded, the cat will try to regulate its temperature through the sweat that it eliminates through areas such as the paw pads or the genital area, saliva and may even pant.

But for some felines this regulation will be difficult due to their age, their general condition or their physical characteristics. That is why they are more susceptible than others to suffering from heat stroke. They are, for example, kittens and older specimens, those who already have a diagnosed disease or those of brachycephalic breeds, such as the Persian cat, who have difficulty breathing due to their flat snout. In addition, another very important factor is obesity, which increases intolerance to heat.

The most common causes of heat stroke are the following:

  • Water: as we all know, cats are very hygienic and neat animals, so water that is in poor condition, not renewed and even scarce can mean that they do not drink frequently enough. We must be alert.
  • Temperature: high temperatures, humidity and, in general, suffocating environments, dehydrate our animal more easily.
  • Closed spaces: cages, carriers and cars are not appropriate places to leave our cat. This type of enclosure, if not well ventilated, can easily reach high temperatures. We should not leave our cat in such spaces.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun: the lack of shade and cool places to shelter can cause an alarming increase in body temperature. It is important to make sure, from time to time, that our cat is well.

If we suspect that our cat may be dehydrated or suffering from excessive heat, it will be important to evaluate the symptoms that we will explain below. Do not forget that heat stroke is a serious health problem and therefore we must act quickly.

Heat stroke in cats - Symptoms and first aid

Symptoms of heat stroke in cats

As we have mentioned before, heat stroke can have devastating effects on the cat's body, leading to multi-organ failure, intestinal bleeding and even death.

If we suspect that the cat may be suffering from heat stroke, it will be essential to measure the temperature using a thermometer. If it is higher than 42 ºC we must act quickly and apply first aid. In addition to temperature, other symptoms that are also common in heat stroke are:

  • Weakness.
  • muscle tremors
  • We stagger.
  • Abundant salivation.
  • Elevated heart rate.
  • Blue tongue.

What to do if your cat suffers from heat stroke - First aid

If our cat is suffering from heat stroke or has a very high body temperature, it will be essential to apply first aid as soon as possible.

At Blog we recommend calling the emergency vet to describe the symptoms we observe and follow their specific instructions. However, here are some tips you can follow to alleviate your situation while you wait for professional assistance:

  1. It is important to highlight that we should not lower its temperature radically, but rather gradually. Too abrupt a change could cause hypothermia in a heated cat.
  2. Move it to a cool place where it does not receive direct sunlight. You can also help yourself with a fan at minimum speed.
  3. Lightly moisten your mouth, for example with a spray diffuser.
  4. Apply fresh water cloths on the head, neck, belly, chest and legs. You can use gauze or small cloths, never a whole towel.
  5. Check its temperature until it reaches 39 ºC.
  6. Regularly moisten your mouth with the diffuser.

Even if the cat improves, the ideal thing at this point would be to urgently request an appointment with the specialist to help us rule out possible side effects derived from heat stroke. The professional may also recommend the contribution of mineral salts or glucose. For our part, we must continue to pay attention to it, ensure that it has access to fresh water at all times and protect it from direct contact with the sun.

How to prevent heat stroke in cats

The potential risk of suffering heat stroke does not mean that heat is bad for cats, but it does imply that we must take precautions to avoid scares. Thus, to prevent it, it is important to take these tips into account in summer or on days of excessive heat. Take note:

  • Never leave your cat locked in a car, a carrier or any type of room, especially under the sun. These spaces must always be for temporary and controlled use.
  • Check that your cat always has fresh and clean water in abundance.
  • Provide a shaded area where it can stay cool.
  • In summer it is advisable to go to the feline groomer to fix the coat of long-haired cats.
  • Control obesity through exercises for cats, but avoid intense and prolonged physical activity.
  • Offer food at sunset, always in a cool place.

Finally, in the following video you can review everything you need to know about heat stroke in cats.

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