How to drive away mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes can become a problem in your home. Not only are they annoying because of the buzz they emit, but their bite can transmit dangerous diseases such as dengue, zika and chikungunya.
There are plenty of commercial
repellents on the market, but they contain chemicals that can be harmful to
some people and their pets. In addition, many of them are designed to kill
mosquitoes, and at this article we want to help you keep them away without
going to this extreme, as it is a cruel and unnecessary act. Do you want to
know how to drive away mosquitoes? Then you can't miss this article with
natural and non-harmful methods, which will allow you to learn how to ward off
mosquitoes without killing them!
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are there so many mosquitoes in my house?
Mosquitoes can be a nuisance and
dangerous presence in the home as they carry disease and their bites are
painful. Have you ever wondered why they appear? Some factors contribute to
- The weather.
A humid but hot environment, like the one that exists in tropical
countries, is conducive to the development of mosquitoes.
- Rains.
Mosquitoes take advantage of the rainy season to reproduce, since puddles
are created where they lay their eggs.
- Stagnant water.
Perhaps the rainy season has not arrived in your country, but in your
house there are containers with stagnant water or areas with stagnant
water, these become ideal foci for the reproduction of mosquitoes.
Are you interested in repelling
mosquitoes from your house? There are several natural remedies that you can
apply to scare them away without killing them.
to drive away mosquitoes from your house?
Have you ever wondered how to
repel mosquitoes? If what interests you is to apply home remedies that scare
them away without this implying risk to your health, that of your pets or that
of the mosquitoes themselves, pay attention to the following methods.
candles or incense
Scented candles and incense are a
good way to naturally repel mosquitoes. Whether to light them inside the house
or when you enjoy a moment of relaxation in your garden, we recommend those
with lemon, citronella, mint and orange aromas. Of course, keep in mind
that most dogs hate the citrus smell of
industrial products like these (candles, incense, oils...) because they are
much more intense than those emitted by fresh fruits, so we advise you to place
these products far from their reach, in areas frequented by mosquitoes but that
are not at the height of your dog's snout.
Aromatic plants will not only bring
delicious smells to your home, they will also serve to repel mosquitoes. We
recommend placing flowerpots with basil, mint, rosemary or eucalyptus plants
near the windows, the smell will keep those annoying insects away.
How to drive away mosquitoes from
the garden? Plant these same aromatic plants and
you will drive them away quickly. In addition, in the garden you can also plant
calendula plants.
Now, if you live with cats and they
have access to the garden, keep in mind that some of these plants are harmful
to them if they ingest them, such as eucalyptus.
Essential oils have many uses: they
are ideal for the skin, they relax, aromatize and can also repel mosquitoes. If
you want to drive them away from your house or garden, soak several cotton
balls with an essential oil and place them in a jar. Then, place that jar near
windows or at the entrances to your garden.
Recommended oils for this are lemon,
peppermint, citronella, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, or almond. Remember
that you should soak the cotton ball every three days or so, as the smell is
easily lost.
mosquito repellent with lemon
This is a simple method that you can
apply to different rooms in the house: cut half a slice of a lemon and embed
several cloves in it. Then, place this natural mosquito repellent in all
areas of the home.
If you don't have lemon, you can
prepare this same mosquito repellent with orange or any other citrus fruit,
since the effects are the same and, therefore, the results are the same. Of
course, keep in mind that if you live with dogs or cats you should place the
remedy far from their reach.
mosquito repellent with vinegar
The smell of vinegar is unpleasant
for mosquitoes, so it is an excellent natural repellent. This remedy is very
simple: you just have to fill half a glass with water and add ¼ cup
of vinegar. Mix and place natural mosquito repellant in all rooms,
preferably near windows.
Vinegar is usually another
unpleasant scent for dogs, so if you can place the remedy in places your furry
friend won't have access to, all the better.
to prevent mosquitoes from biting me?
It's a fact, some people
"attract" mosquitoes more than others. This is not a myth, there are
several reasons why certain people get more bites:
- Blood group.
Blood type O people are more prone to mosquito bites.
- Sweat.
Mosquitoes are attracted to the compounds that come off with sweat, so
people who sweat a lot are bitten more often.
- Pregnancy.
Due to the increase in body temperature, pregnant women attract
- Carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is expelled during respiration and is attractive to
mosquitoes, so the higher the emissions (for example, when you exercise)
the more likely they are to come to you.
Now, if you meet any of these
characteristics, surely you are tired of saying "how to avoid being
bitten by mosquitoes?” Here are several ways to repel them:
what you wear
Bright or fluorescent colors attract
mosquitoes (just like light), so it's best to
avoid using them. Similarly, sweet-toned perfumes can also lead them to you, so
we recommend choosing other scents.
We also suggest eating foods rich in
vitamin C and B, since mosquitoes find the aroma that your sweat will give off
Essential oils not only help keep
mosquitoes out of your home, they can also keep them off your skin. Make a
simple repellant by mixing 20 drops of citronella, peppermint, lemon,
lavender, or cinnamon oil with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Simply apply this
remedy directly to your skin.
and citronella
Another effective repellent against
mosquitoes can be made with any type of vinegar and citronella essence. You
only have to mix half a glass of vinegar and 20 drops of citronella essence.
Then, rub your skin with the mixture and remember to repeat the process every
mosquito nets
Mosquito nets are a simple and
inexpensive way to keep mosquitoes out of your home. You can place them on
the beds of all the family members or even install the screens on the
windows, in this way they will not even be able to enter. This method is
suitable if you have children at home and you prefer not to apply commercial or
homemade repellents.
to prevent mosquitoes from biting my dog or cat?
When it comes to repelling
mosquitoes, you need to think not only about the people, but also about the
animals that live with you. Whether you have a dog or a cat, they also suffer
from annoying mosquito bites. Likewise, their bite can transmit serious
diseases, such as leishmaniasis, which is spread by a mosquito.
Do you need to know how to prevent
mosquitoes from biting your dog or cat? Below we share the best home remedies
so that mosquitoes do not bite dogs and cats:
Although dogs and cats do not like
the smell of essential oils, they are a good option for applying natural
mosquito repellants. This is very simple, you just have to rub a few drops
of eucalyptus oil on your pet's fur, and it will help keep mosquitoes at bay.
Remember that you should not
allow the dog or cat to lick itself when you have just applied the oil,
since ingesting it could cause gastrointestinal disorders. So, stay tuned until
the product has dried.
The smell of chamomile flowers is
annoying to mosquitoes, so you can gather a cup of these flowers and prepare
an infusion with them. When you notice that the water is yellow and smells,
spray your dog or cat with it. This natural remedy can also be applied to
children and adults. In addition, chamomile is not
toxic to these animals, so if they lick it, nothing will happen.
and cloves
This is the same remedy that we
explain to you to repel mosquitoes from your house, you just have to cut half
an orange and embed cloves in it. Since you want it to serve to prevent
mosquitoes from biting your dog or cat, place the orange near their bed or in
the spaces where they usually rest to keep insects away. Of course, if you
notice that the smell bothers him, try to place him in a part of the room a
little further away so that he can rest peacefully.
The smell of garlic is unpleasant
for mosquitoes, take advantage of this to protect your dog or cat from
them. Cut 3 or 4 cloves of garlic and let them marinate in water for two hours.
After this time, you will have an excellent natural repellent that you can use
to spray the spaces that your pet usually uses.
A mosquito net is also a good option
to protect your animals from mosquitoes. You can install it on nearby windows
where you put their bed, and even if you have a dog or cat that sleeps in a
kennel or animal carrier, you can cover them with a mosquito net at night.
to get rid of fruit midges?
Mosquitoes or fruit flies can be
very annoying, they land on your food and, when they start to feed on it, it
becomes useless for you. Are you interested in knowing how to eliminate
fruit midges? Here are some natural remedies!
oils and water
This is another home remedy in which
essential oils are the protagonists. You will need orange, lemon, and
citronella essential oil. Pour 20 drops into a spray container and add two
cups of hot water. Shake well and you will have your natural repellent ready.
Spray the fruit gnat repellent on
kitchen surfaces, garden tables and spaces where you usually see them, it will
drive them away quickly and without damaging them.
the cleaning of your home
This is a preventive measure,
it will help you prevent fruit flies from settling in your home.
- Clean all kitchen surfaces after preparing your food.
- Dispose of garbage in closed bags.
- Do not allow water to pool in the pots of your plants.
- Don't leave food or fruit out in the open.
- Clean up any juice or other liquid spills right away.
to keep mosquitoes away from light?
Surely it has happened to you that
you try to rest quietly on your terrace, but the mosquitoes gather around the
lamp or light that you use. If you want to know how to keep mosquitoes away
from light and, more importantly, how to keep mosquitoes away from the
garden, follow these simple tips.
LED lamps
Changing all your light bulbs for
LED lamps will not only help you save energy,
you will also repel mosquitoes, since common light bulbs emit infrared light
that is invisible to humans, but attractive to insects.
light bulbs
There are anti-insect bulbs on the
market whose light spectrum mosquitoes cannot perceive, so they will not be
attracted to your lamp.
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