My dog has been bitten and it has a hole - What to do

Unfortunately, on certain occasions dogs are involved in aggression or fights that end up causing wounds or injuries of varying severity. Generally, they are usually very stressful situations for both the animals and their keepers, which often raise doubts about how to act.

Urgent veterinary care

Dog fights are often very stressful situations for handlers, especially when serious and bleeding injuries occur. Regardless of the severity of the event, it is important to go to an emergency veterinary center to:

  • Evaluate the general condition of the animal.
  • Treat the wound properly.

Only in this way will we be able to avoid the possible complications associated with bite wounds.


My dog has been bitten and it has a hole - What to do


Evaluation of the general condition

In the case of serious attacks, it is possible that vital structures are affected or that significant hemorrhages occur that compromise the life of the animal. For this reason, before proceeding to treat the wounds, it is essential to carry out a complete and exhaustive examination of the animal, including the complementary tests that are considered appropriate (such as X-rays or ultrasound), and to establish an adequate treatment to stabilize the animal.

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In addition, even if there is a more striking wound, the possible presence of other injuries that may be hidden under the animal's fur should not be ruled out. Therefore, it is important to shave the hair in search of other wounds that also need treatment.

Wound treatment

Bite wounds are considered intrinsically contaminated, so they should never be sutured. With the bite, the bacteria present in the mouth are inoculated into the tissue, which contaminate the wound and give rise to an inflammatory process that has to drain to the outside

By suturing the tissue, the drainage of inflammatory fluids would be prevented and the suture would fail, so it is important to leave the wound open so that it heals from the deepest layers to the most superficial.

Starting from this basis, the healing of the contaminated wound should be based on the following points:

  • Careful shaving of the area adjacent to the wound: since the presence of hair can hinder healing.
  • Soapy solution washes: An antiseptic soapy solution (with betadine or chlorhexidine soap) is usually used to remove any remaining dirt and reduce the bacterial load in the wound. Products such as alcohol or hydrogen peroxide should never be used, because they are very irritating and make it difficult for the wound to heal.
  • Application of dressings: dressings are medical devices that are used to cover and protect wounds. In addition to providing pain relief, they absorb wound exudate and promote proper blood circulation, which optimizes the healing process.
  • Elizabethan collar placement: to prevent the animal from scratching, licking or biting the affected area or areas.


Periodic cures

As we have seen, the first treatment of the bite should always be carried out in a veterinary center, but from then on, it is possible to manage the wound by the caregivers following the guidelines set by the veterinarian.

Generally, 2-3 daily cures should be performed, which should include:

  • Dressing removal.
  • Cleaning the wound with an antiseptic solution: Antiseptics should never be used undiluted as they can be irritating. Betadine (povidone iodine) should be diluted to 10% and chlorhexidine to 40%. Once diluted, gauze should be soaked in the solution and the wound carefully cleaned to remove any remaining exudate. It is preferable not to use cotton, since when it gets wet it tends to undo and leave remains in the wound. It should be emphasized that alcohol or hydrogen peroxide should never be used to clean the wound, as they cause irritation and cell death.
  • Placement of a new dressing.


Infection treatment

As we have mentioned in previous sections, bite wounds are considered intrinsically contaminated due to the direct transfer of bacteria present in the mouth. For this reason, it is essential to establish an antibiotic treatment to control the infection and favor the healing of the affected tissues.


My dog has been bitten and it has a hole


Healing stimulation

In the case of very extensive or deep wounds, or in animals with healing problems, some strategies can be used to promote wound healing:

  • Debridement: consists of scraping the edges of the wound with a scalpel, to stimulate bleeding and thus promote wound healing. Naturally, this procedure can only be performed by veterinary professionals.
  • Laser therapy: laser therapy promotes the healing process by stimulating collagen production and cell regeneration.
  • Healing ointments: these ointments contain enzymes that hydrolyze all those components that prevent wound healing.

Caring for a dog that has been bitten

After an aggression or fight between dogs, their handlers often wonder what to do if my dog ​​is bitten and has a hole. Well, after the first veterinary examination, it is important that caregivers carry out proper management of the bite at home, since the correct healing and healing of the wound will depend on this.

The care that the guardians of these animals must carry out are the following:

  • Carry out the cures: all of them following the guidelines of the veterinarian who attended the animal.
  • Administer the drugs: that have been prescribed by the veterinarian (antibiotics, analgesics, healing ointments, etc.)
  • Go to the veterinarian : for scheduled check-ups or in case of any anomaly in the wound or in the behavior of the animal
  • Provide a quiet place and maintain a relaxed routine: animals that suffer aggression experience a situation of great stress, so it is important to provide them with as calm an environment as possible until they fully recover.


How to prevent my dog ​​from biting?

Aggressions or fights between dogs are almost always avoidable situations. Therefore, it is convenient to take into account a series of considerations that can be useful to avoid dangerous situations with other dogs:

  • Ensuring proper education and socialization of dogs from an early age: this is, without a doubt, the best strategy for achieving well-balanced dogs that know how to deal with different situations and interact appropriately with other animals. Even in tense situations or with more dominant animals, a balanced dog will know how to deal with the situation and respond proportionally. Check how is the socialization of the dog in this post that we suggest.
  • Walk dogs on a leash: in this way we can better control approaches with other dogs. It is important not to give tension to the leash when approaching another dog, since we will transmit this tension to the animal and we will also force contact to take place face to face, which is always more challenging. We tell you more about Walking the puppy on a leash for the first time in this article.
  • Anticipate conflictive situations: for example, before entering an enclosure where there is another dog loose, it is convenient to ask the caretaker about the temperament of your pet. Very territorial dogs may consider an animal that enters their area an intruder and, as a consequence, a situation of tension may arise between them.
  • Pay attention to the character and emotional state of our dog: dogs with a high level of stress or with a very strong temperament may be more prone to generating tense situations with other dogs. In these cases, it is advisable to request the help of a canine educator who can give us the appropriate guidelines to correct or improve relationships with other animals.

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